The Royal Palace

We have had the pleasure of visiting Spain many, many times over the years, and Spain is a beautiful country with beautiful Spanish people. Particularly, if you get away from the Mediterranean coast. The Mediterranean coast is far too built up and packed with British holidaymakers. It seems most are specifically there, just looking for cheap alcohol. That is good for the bars, however, not a place we wish to spend time at.
Whenever we are on holiday, we like to get out and about in a country, and go to places that are not packed with rowdy holidaymakers. Because, we like to see how the locals live, eat at the same restaurants they do. Besides, the food that is served is altogether better when you eat at the same restaurants the locals eat at.
There are some great places in Spain and a lot of interesting things to see. The local Spanish people are friendly and make you feel especially welcome because it is the way they are.
We could live in Spain without any problems. However, Spain is in the European Union. that is the problem, we emphatically dislike the European Union. With their unelected bureaucrats that wish to change our laws.
So, to summarise, this beautiful country with its beautiful Spanish people are not on our list of countries to move to.
I know what comes to mind when I think about old-world Spain. The magnificent Spanish galleons sailed across the Atlantic Ocean en route to conquer the New World. The sight of Spanish Conquistadors all dressed up in their splendour, but that time and all it’s undeniably magic has ended. In contrast to that, I see the beautiful country of Spain. With the Spanish people working in the fields surrounded by olive trees. This is the Spain I know, hard-working people, that welcome you everywhere, and that is, the Spain I love.
All the Spanish people I have ever come into contact with are very clean and polite. However, that is not like some people from countries close by. The Spanish are, without a doubt, kind, helpful, and unquestionably fun-loving people. Furthermore, whether they are young or old, in large or small groups, they also enjoy themselves. Because the Spanish people are very family orientated, it is a privilege to be invited to their homes.
Just stay away from the Mediterranean coast because it is far too built up and packed with British holidaymakers